Speaking and Teaching


I share as a practitioner with a wide range of interest in topics:

Minimalistic Speaker Rider

June 2023 - June 2024 I was retired from speaking. Since I will become a contractor representative in June, my change of employment is unretiring me but also in control of all of my speaking / training engagements.
I will limit my speaking, and welcome keynotes and community events, especially when travel is manageable.

I have a few things I need to join an event:

When I am at an event, I prefer mingling with the participants throughout the whole event. I believe it should be a standard requested of a speaker that they stay around. However, I have a very short list of people I will not mingle with, and I won't publish that list. If we end up at same location, I will yield and retreat to only deliver my talk. If I notice in advance, I will let the organizer know.
I don't participate in calls for proposals and consider invitation necessary. I encourage conference organizers to consider all my talks on this site as proposals you can consider, and I would be happy to deliver if I can make the schedule work.

My Sessions

I teach courses (0.5 days -> 3 days), also split into 2 hour sessions which is works great for remote learning. My workshops are single-purpose sessions that stand independent and are usually 1.5 - 2 hours. My talks are 30 - 60 minutes.

Speaker materials



Maaret Pyhäjärvi

I read my emails sporadically. For faster response, use Linkedin.