Past talks, workshops and trainings

Keynotes, Talks, and Panels

Keynotes are invited talks that generally speak for the whole conference and cater to widest variety of people in audiences. Talks can be for any audience. Panels are sessions where you prepare questions and perspectives, and try to present it with a group of people following energies of the audience, or at least a second person.

Speaking in public 2001-2023, Maaret has delivered 529 sessions out of which 50 are keynote sessions.
statistics of talks from Maaret
slides, video, article, abstract available on some of the talks.
45 min
Test Automation - Friend or Foe
Online Testing Conference, November 12th, Online
#TestAutomation, #Improvement
45 min
Sociotechnical Guardrails for AI-Driven Application Testing
Agile Testing Alliance Global Testing Retreat, November 18-19th 2024, Online
#AI, #ContemporaryExploratoryTesting
45 min
Customer as Anchor - The Stopping Challenge of Testing
Quality and Process Excellence Summit 2024, October 8th 2024, Online
#FundamentalChallenges, #Customer, #Quality
45 min
Nykypäivän tekoäly testauksessa / AI of Today in Testing
Ohjelmistotestaus ry, August 22nd 2024, Online
Customer event, September 20th 2024, Online
#AI, #Automation, #ChangeManagement
45 min
Code or Low Code - Navigating the Test Automation Options
Testing Assembly, November 27th 2024, Helsinki, Finland
#TestAutomation, #Programming, #Tools
45 min
Ensemble Testing - 10 Years of Mindshare
Ohjelmistotestaus ry, September 24th, Online
#EnsembleTesting, #SocialSoftwareTestingApproaches
45 min
Lessons Learned from Landing a Job Offer with GenAI
Testaus & AI, December 10th, Online
#AI, #Testing, #Experiences
45 min
Social Software Testing Approaches
Testing United, November 5th & 6th 2020, Online
Quality Engineering Meetup at Zalando, June 4th 2024, Helsinki, Finland
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming, #PairTesting, #PairProgramming
45 min
A Process / Compliancy Story, Case of Last Two Years
Customer Event, May 30th 2024, Helsinki, Finland
#Requirements, #Releases, #Process, #Compliance
45 min
Make Releases Routine
Finnish Testing Meetup, May 23rd 2024, Helsinki, Finland
#Releases, #Failure, #ResultsGap
45 min
Make Your Impact with Testing
HUSTEF, October 3-5th 2023, Budapest, Hungary
The Shortcut, November 3rd 2023, Helsinki, Finland
#Impact, #ResultsGap, #Career
45 min
Whose Test Is It Anyway?
DevTalks, June 22th 2023, Bucharest, Romania
EuroSTAR, June 15th 2023, Antwerp, Belgium
#ResultGap, #UnitTesting, #ExploratoryTesting, #Improv
20 min
Acceptance Testing - Making a Difference for Production Time
Customer Event, April 26th 2023, Online
#AcceptanceTesting, #Motivational
45 min
Breaking Illusions with Testing
DDD Europe, January 31st & Feb 1st 2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
JAX London, October 9th 2019, London, United Kingdom
SLASSCOM Quality and Business Excellence Summit, March 10th 2021, Online
German Testing Day, May 3rd & 4th 2021, Online
Zeit Day Berlin, September 23rd 2017, Berlin, Germany
Conferencia Agile Testers - Brazilian Online Conference, October 28th 2018, Online
Agile Greece Summit, September 20th 2019, Athens, Greece
TECH(K)NOW Day, March 8th 2022, Online
#Testing, #Improvement, #TechExcellence
45 min
Let's Do a Thing and Call It Foo
Testμ Conference, August 23rd 2022, Online
Customer Event, December 8th 2022, Helsinki, Finland
NewCrafts Conference, May 25-26th 2023, Paris, France
FooConf, February 1st 2023, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Event, January 30th, 2023, Online
Supermetrics Tech Meetup, August 17th 2022, Helsinki, Finland
#ResultGap, #UnitTesting, #ExploratoryTesting, #GenAI
45 min
The Automationist's Gambit
Customer Organization, September 29th 2021, Online
EuroSTAR 2021, September 30th 2021, Online
SANAE Software Testing BEER.EX September 28th 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia
SQA Point Meetup, October 28th 2021, Online
Geekle QA Summit, February 16th 2022, Online
Software Testing Karlsruhe meetup, June 14th 2022, Online
45 min
Hands-off Exploratory Testing - How to Manage Test at Scale
QA Talks, June 4th 2021, Online
HUSTEF Conference, October 18th to 21st 2021, Online
Game of Testing, September 4th 2022, Online
#ModernTestManagement, #ExploratoryTesting
45 min
Intersection of Automation and Exploratory Testing
Selenium Conference India, June 29th & 30th 2018, Bengaluru, India
TestIstanbul, April 16th 2019, Istanbul, Turkey
Testing Cup, June 10th 2019, Poznan, Poland
Testing Guild Conference, June 20th 2018, Online
Software Testing Helsinki Meetup, October 2018, Helsinki, Finland
Dev#, September 21st 2019, Gdansk, Poland
React Finland, April 25h 2019, Helsinki, Finland.
#ContemporaryExploratoryTesting, #ExploratoryUnitTesting
45 min
Learning (Programming) through Osmosis
Agile Day Riga, July 7th & 8th 2017, Riga, Latvia
Agile Testing Days, November 13th to 17th 2017, Potsdam, Germany
Devoxx UK, June 8th to 10th 2016, London, UK
Nordic Testing Days, June 8th & 9th 2017, Tallinn, Estonia
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
45 min
A Practitioner's Guide to Contemporary Exploratory Testing
Axiom Summit Conference, May 14th 2022, Online
Customer Event, November 10th 2022, Online
45 min
Making Teams Awesome
SEETest Conference, September 29th 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria
STARWest Conference, October 1st to 6th 2017, Anaheim, USA
Testing Portugal, November 28th 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
STAREast Conference, April 29th to May 5th 2018, Orlando, USA
#Teamwork, #ModernAgile, #WorkBreakdown, #TechExcellence
45 min
Contemporary Exploratory Testing
Selenium Summit, February 7th 2021, Online
Breakpoint, March 24th 2021, Online
Customer Organization, November 24th 2021,Online
Customer Organization, December 17th 2021, Online
CodeMentor, June 16th 2022, Online
Test Automation Talks Meetup, July 5th 2022, Online
45 min
Exploratory Testing on Computer Interfaces
API Conference, October 16th 2019, Berlin, Germany
#ContemporaryExploratoryTesting, #APITesting
45 min
Perfecting the Craft of Test Automation
Agile and Automation Days, November 21st 2016, Warsaw, Poland
AgileJKL meetup, September 7th 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland
Talentum Testaus, November 8th 2016, Helsinki, Finland
#ContemporaryExploratoryTesting, #ProgrammaticTests
45 min
Practice Makes Better - 5x to Continuous Delivery
Applitools Future of Testing, June 29th 2021, Online
#ModernTestManagement, #ContinuousDelivery
45 min
Building Status - or Why None of My Advice Will Work for You Today
Agile Testing Alliance Global Testing Retreat (ATAGTR), December 12th & 13th 2020, Online
#Attitude, #StatusDifferences, #Improvement
45 min
Targeting Errors of Omission
Agile Testing Alliance Global Testing Retreat (ATAGTR), December 9-11th 2022, Online
#ResultGap, #Techniques, #Documentation
45 min
Go Find What We May Have Missed
testjsconf, November 18th & 19th 2021, Online
Customer Organization, January 10th 2022, Online
#ResultsGap, #ResultsCoverage
45 min
I Have a Rock in My Shoe - Navigating Improvement
Agile Testing Alliance Global Testing Retreat (ATAGTR), December 11th 2021, Online
#Improvement, #Change, #Attitude
45 min
Testing Becoming Harder to Be Valuable
Testing Voices, June 29th 2021, Online
#ResultsGap, #Value, #Cost
45 min
Increase Your Impact as a Tester
Swiss Testing Days, February 16th 2017, Zurich, Switzerland
Moldova Software Testing and Automation Conference, Februrary 10th 2018, Chisinau, Moldova
#Impact, #ExploratoryTesting, #ModernAgile
45 min
Opportunity Cost: Balancing Now and Future
World Quality Summit, September 8th 2021, Online
#Value, #Cost, #Quality
45 min
Opportunity Cost Drives my Testing
Step-In Summit, September 4th 2020, Online
#Value, #Cost, #Agency
30 min
Many Hats to Make a Tester
Appium Lite Conference, September 2nd 2021, Online
#WorkBreakdown, #Career
45 min
Quality - Learning is All that Matters
Customer Organization, December 20th 2018, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, January 11th 2019, Helsinki, Finland
JAX London, October 9th 2019, London, United Kingdom
#Quality, #Learning
45 min
Next Level Teamwork: Pairing and Ensembling (Mobbing)
TestBash Australia, October 19th 2018, Sydney, Australia
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming, #PairTesting, #PairProgramming
45 min
An Ensemble (Mob) Testing Experience
TestBash Philly, November 10th & 11th 2016, Philadelphia, USA
NewCrafts Conference, May 18th & 19th 2017, Paris, France
Customer Organization, May 31st 2018, Helsinki, Finland
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
45 min
Amplify Your Impact with Ensemble (Mob) Testing
UKStar, February 27th & 28th 2017, London, UK
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
45 min
We're Work in Progress - Lessons on Becoming a Great Tester
Test Masters Academy New Testing Conference, September 26th & 27th 2016, New York, USA
FiSTB Testing Assembly, Septermber 20th & 21st 2016, Helsinki, Finland
#Learning, #ContemporaryExploratoryTesting, #Attitude
45 min
Collaborative Exploratory and Unit Testing
Testival, September 19th 2015, Split, Croatia
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
45 min
Software Talks, Learn to Listen
Nortal Tech Days, May 22nd 2015, Tallinn, Estonia
#ExploratoryTesting, #ExternalImagination
45 min
Tales from Developer Tester Collaboration
Agile Serbia, April 23rd 2016, Belgrade, Serbia
TestBash NY, November 6th 2015, New York, USA
Software Testing Finland / Helsinki Agile Testing meetup, October 7th 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, September 10th 2015, Helsinki, Finland
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming, #PairTesting, #PairProgramming
45 min
From Observations to Insights on Test Specialist Careers, co-presented with Okechukwu Egbete
Testing Assembly, September 22nd 2022, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, June 14th 2022, Online
#Career, #Mentoring
45 min
Serial Mentor's Lessons for Learning
Teknologia '23 Tivia Stage, November 7th 2023, Helsinki, FInland
45 min
Let's Play Rhetoric for All Things Testing
TestMu, August 22-24th 2023, Online
45 min
Microblogging in Mastodon (in Finnish)
Tivia IT Insider webinar, February 14th 2023, Online.
45 min
Coaching Teams to Modern Test Management
Testing Conf Chicago, May 4th 2023, Online
QA Touch Global Testers Summit, May 15th 2023, Online
Geekle QA Summit, May 30th-31st 2023, Online
#ExploratoryTesting, #ProgrammaticTests, #TestManagement
45 min
Time Management For Testers
Test Guru Summit, Feb 9th 2023, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Practice Makes Better - What Repeating Shortening Times to Release Taught Me
ScanAgile, March 28-29th 2023, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Renegotiating Testing
7N Networking Event, March 16th 2023, Helsinki, Finland
#WhoDoesTesting, #ChangeTrends
45 min
Onko valmista ilman testausta? (Is there Done without Testing?)
Customer Organization, March 17th 2023, Online
15 min
Breaking Illusions with Exploratory Testing
XP2015, May 28th 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Agile 2016 Conference, July 25th to 29th 2016, Atlanta, GA, USA
#ContemporaryExploratoryTesting, #Improvement
45 min
Breaking Illusions about Testing - Testing Is Your Most Valuable Asset
BTD Conference, May 21st 2015, Brussels, Belgium
ScanAgile, March 11th 2015, Helsinki, Finland
7 min
Better Ideas at Test Design
TextFlix (23.10.2021), Online
45 min
Exploratory Testing - Explained and Experienced
Quality Week Event, Online (1.11.2021)
SEETEST Conference 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria (28.-29.9.2017)
TIVI Ohjelmistotestaus 2017, Helsinki, Finland (16-17.5.2017)
ExpoQA Academy Day, Barcelona (25.1.2017)
TestWorks Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (6.10.2016) (co-trained with Maaike Brinkhoff)
Agile Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia (23.4.2016)
Santa Barbara Agile meetup, Santa Barbara, USA (15.4.2015)
7 min
Up Your Agency
TextFlix (28.11.2020), Online
45 min
An Update on What Happens in Testing
Customer Organization (18.3.2021), Online
45 min
Testing: from Why to How to What Next
JAMK (9.10.2020), Online
JAMK (2.11.2020), Online
JAMK (1.12.2020), Online
45 min
The Hacker Mindset or Breaking Something to Make it Work
SHIFT Business Webstival (27.10.2020), Online
45 min
Kuinka testaajaksi opitaan? - uranvaihtajan kesä koekaniinina (How to Learn to Become Tester - Career Changer's Summer as Lab Rat)
Mimmit Koodaa (Women who Code) -webinar (7.8.2020), Online
45 min
An Exploratory Tester's lessons on Security Threat Modeling
Customer Organization, online (18.5.2020)
Code Europe Wroclaw 2017, Wroclaw, Poland (13.12.2017)
Oredev 2017, Malmö, Sweden (6.-10.11.2017)
45 min
Pivotal Moments, Pivotal Experiences - a Career Review
maaretp Silver Jubilee (27.10.2022), Online
45 min
Patterns to Whole Team Test Automation Transformation
Selenium Conference India/Virtual (29-30.7.2022), Online
45 min
It's More Complicated that THAT!
SauceCon (4-5.5.2022), Online
Customer event (4.3.2022), Online
45 min
Good Exploratory Testing Tactics for Taking Over Testing
MoT SFAX, March 30th 2022, Online
45 min
Something in the Way We Test
TSQA, March 9th 2022, Online
45 min
How to Increase Your Impact
Customer Organization, January 22nd 2021, Online
45 min
Testing as Exploration and Delivering Continuously without Automation
Agile San Diego meetup, April 2nd 2015, San Diego, USA
45 min
Exploring Realities of Testing - Theory to Practice
MoT Cork Meetup, November 18th 2021, Online
45 min
Programming Assignments in Tester Interviews
Ohjelmistotestaus ry meetup (16.12.2021), Online
30 min
Experience report: Where is Test Strategy in an Agile Team
DEWT peer conference, Driebergen, the Netherlands (01/2015)
45 min
How to Get Better at Exploratory Testing
UNICOM Agile,DevOps,Testing (20.7.2022), Online
MoT Sarajevo Meetup (27.10.2021), Online
45 min
A Year in Test Automation
QAstiontime meetup (15.9.2021), Online
45 min
Women in Agile
Women in Agile Summit, Agile Testing Days, Potsdam, Germany (8.12.2016)
45 min
Little Learning Actions for Better Feedback
Serverless Architecture Conference 2019 (15.-16.10.2019), Berlin, Germany
45 min
Quality Doesn't Belong with the Tester
TestBash, Brighton, UK (27.3.2015)
45 min
Exploring Pipelines
TSQA meetup (1.4.2021), Online
45 min
Testaus muuttuu, muututko sinä? (Testing Changes, Do You?)
Prove Webinar, Nov 16th 2022, Online
45 min
Continuous Delivery without Automation
Agile Finland Continuous Deployment event, December 2nd 2014, Helsinki
Ministry of Testing Masterclass webinar, Online (16.9.2015)
STPConference, San Diego, USA (1.4.2015)
45 min
Experimenting in Context for Exploratory Testing
Agile Testing Days 2015, Potsdam, Germany (9.11.2015)
45 min
From Lean Startup to Intrapreneurial Testing
TinyTestBash 2015, Brighton, UK (23.10.2015)
FISBT Testing Assembly 2015, Helsinki, Finland (23.9.2015)
45 min
Minä en koodaa, olenko enää hyödyllinen? (I Don't Code, Am I No Longer Useful?)
Talentum Software QA & Testing Summit, October 7th & 8th 2014, Helsinki, Finland
90 min
Explore with Intent - Exploratory Testing Self-Management
Agile 2015, Washington DC, USA (4.8.2015)
90 min
Strong-Style Pairing
Agile 2016 Conference in Atlanta, GA, USA (25.-29.7.2016)
Tech Excellence meetup in Helsinki, Finland (June 2016)
45 min
Harnessing the Power of Learning, co-presented with Ivan Turbin
Nordic Testing Days 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia (6-8.6.2018)
45 min
Exploratory Testing Shift Left and Right - What great exploratory testing looks under conditions of TOAD (Testing, Observability and DevOps)
OmniTesting Conference (16.7.2020), Online
45 min
Test Automation is Test Documentation, demo talk
Mimmit Koodaa This Is Not a Webinar (20.11.2020), Online
45 min
Exploratory Testing Essentials
TechWell Webinar (2.4.2020), Online
45 min
Examples of Testing and a Tester's Work in Industry
Aalto University Course, September 16th 2014, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Agile as If You Meant It
Brewing Agile 2020 (4.3.2020), Gothenburg, Sweden
FlowCon 2019 (13.12.2019), Paris, France
90 min
Exploratory Testing an API
Booster Conference, Bergen, Norway (9.3.2016)
Agile Alliance Technical Conference, Raleigh, NC, USA (7.-9.4.2016)
Tampereen Testauspäivät 2016, Tampere, Finland (2.6.2016)
Agile 2016 Conference in Atlanta, GA, USA (25.-29.7.2016)
TestWorks Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands (7.10.2016)
Sanoma Knowledge Exchange in Helsinki, Finland (7.11.2016)
45 min
Lessons Learned in Wasting 1829,5 hrs of Outsourced Work
Outsource Ukraine, June 10th 2014, Online
45 min
Full-stack Developer & Complete Product Owner - the Steps Towards Becoming Unicorn Grade
Agile Finland Breakfast, June 6th 2014, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
On tärkeää osata muutakin kuin testausta, mutta testaus rautaisen hyvin (It's Important to Know More Than Testing, But Testing Especially Well)
Ohjelmistotestaus ry, May 26th 2014, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Test Automation Process Improvement in a DevOps Team: Experience Report
Agile Testing and Test Automation Summit North America, March 25th, Online
ICST / NEXTA 2020 (24.10.2020), Online
Selenium Day ANZ (16.10.2020), Online
45 min
Non-Coding Activities a Development Team Needs
Agile Finland, January 15th 2014, Oulu, Finland
45 min
Pairing is Sharing
Tampere Goes Agile 2015, Tampere, Finland (17.10.2015)
45 min
Serendipity and Perseverance: Injecting Testing in a Test-Resistant Team
Wildcard Conference, September 13th 2013, Riga, Latvia
XP2015 (short version), Helsinki, Finland (27.5.2015)
45 min
Automatisoituuko testaus tulevaisuudessa? (Will Testing Be Automated in the Future?)
IIR Kokonaisvaltainen Testaaminen, September 15th 2004, Helsinki, Finland
Customer event, September 22nd 2004, Helsinki, Finland
IIR Kokonaisvaltainen Testaaminen, January 2005, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testitapaukset ja testitapausarkkitehtuuri (Test Cases and Test Case Architecture)
IIR Kokonaisvaltainen Testaaminen, January 2004, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testitapaukset ja testausmallit (Test Cases and Test Methodologies)
IIR Kokonaisvaltainen Testaaminen, September 31st 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testauksen kohdistaminen erilaisiin asiayhteyksiin (Context-Driven Testing)
IIR, March 27th & 28th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testauksen ryhmädynamiikka (Group Dynamics in Testing)
Merito Forum Ohjelmistojen tehokas testaus, September 25th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Optimoidun ohjelmistokehityksen ja -testauksen avaimet (Keys to Optimizing Software Development and Testing)
TestIT Summit, November 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testauksen huippukäytännöt (Testing Best Practices)
Customer Organization, February 6th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
Conformiq Forum, March 12th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Arkkitehtuurien vaikutus integrointitestaukseen (Impact of Architecture to Integration Testing)
Merito Forum Ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurit ja turvalliset ohjelmistot, January 2005, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Tuottavuutta testauksen kehittämisessä (Productivity in Test Improvement)
3S Symposium, 2004, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Suunnitelmaohjattu vs. ketterä testaus (Plan-driven vs. Agile Testing)
Customer Organization, February 2005, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Tutkivan testauksen kokemukset (Exploratory Testing Experiences)
Customer Organization, May 9th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, October 2004, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testauksen kustannukset ja haasteet (Testing Costs and Challenges)
Testauksen Uusi Aika -seminaari, Autumn 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Learning in Layers: A Demo on Exploratory Testing
EIT Digital Lunch, Helsinki, Finland (12.5.2017)
Craft Conference, Budapest, Hungary (25-28.4.2017)
Agile Testing Days USA, Boston, USA (25-29.6.2018)
European Testing Conference 2016, Bucharest, Romania (12.2.2016)
45 min
Modern Agile
Agile Finland Modern Agile Breakfast, Helsinki, Finland (1.9.2017)
Agile 2017 by Wakaru, Helsinki, Finland (31.5.2017)
45 min
Sustainability. The Fine Line between Work and Hobbies
Test Automation Day, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (22.6.2017)
45 min
Holding Space: Making Things Better by Doing Less
Test Bash Netherlands in Utrech, the Netherlands (12-13.4.2018)
45 min
Internal Open Source
Tech Excellence Conference (3.6.2019), Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Teaching and Coaching Exploratory Testing with an Example
AST Webinar (13.9.2018)
45 min
A Case of Failure: Pinpointing a Problem for Correction
Online Testing Conference (1-3.12.2020), Online
45 min
Working without a Product Owner
Agile India (21.3.2019), Bengaluru, India
45 min
Practices Change - Moving to Delivering Continuously
Agile India (22.3.2019), Bengaluru, India
45 min
Getting Existing Code under Tests
Helsinki Tech Girls meetup (8.3.2018)
Helsinki Software Testing meetup (16.4.2018)
45 min
Lessons Learned Building a Management Backend in AWS
AWS Community Day, Helsinki, Finland (21.3.2018)
15 min
From Pull Requests to Pairing
RoboCon, Helsinki, Finland (19.1.2018)
45 min
A Chase of Incremental Improvement
Nordic Testing Days 2017, Tallinn, Estonia (8.-9.6.2017)
45 min
System Integrations' Testing (Järjestelmäintegraatioiden testaus)
Alma Talent Järjestelmäintegraatiot -seminaari, Helsinki, Finland (15.2.2018)
45 min
Tips to Improve Collaboration between Testers and Developers - paired talk with Juke Trabold
Ministry of Testing Masterclass Webinar (5.12.2017)
45 min
Career in/with Testing
Finnish Software Testing, Helsinki Agile Testing -meetup, Helsinki, Finland (19.4.2017)
45 min
Ensemble (Mob) Testing for Better Test Automation
Helsinki Charity Forum meetup (30.10.2015)
45 min
Ensemble (Mob) Testing
Ministry of Testing Masterclass webinar, Online (15.3.2016
EuroSTAR webinar, Online (20.4.2016)
Agile Testing Days Scandinavia, Gothenburg, Sweden (28.4.2016)
Talentum Ohjelmistotestaus 2016, Helsinki, Finland (24.5.2016)
90 min
Experiences of a tester in the Industry, Experience through Ensemble (Mob) Testing
Aalto University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland (27.11.2015)
15 min
My New Lessons on Unit Testing - Asserts Can Be Different
Tech Excellence Finland Meetup, Jyväskylä, Finland (11.10.2015)
45 min
Planning for Plan-driven vs. Agile Testing)
EuroSTAR 2004, December 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark
45 min
Increasing Understanding of the Modern Testing Perspective in Software Product Development Projects
HICSS-36, January 2003, Hawaii, USA
45 min
Measuring in Release Management from a Testing Point of View
Merito Forum Project Management Best Practices, February 4th 2002, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Quality by Design: Laadun toteutus arkkitehtuurista koodiin; Testauksen suhde vaatimusten hallintaan - jäljitettävyys virheistä vaatimuksiin (Quality by Design: Implementing Quality from Architecture to Code; Relationship of Testing and Requirements and Traceability from defects to requirements)
TALK Laadukas ohjelmistotuotanto, March 5th 2003, Helsinki, Finland Laadukas ohjelmistotuotanto, September 17th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Structuring Software Testing with TMap and TPI- frameworks
Merito Forum Advanced Software Testing, March 21st 2002, Helsinki, Finland
Merito Forum Ohjelmistojen tehokas testaus, September 25th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testauksen suunnittelu ja organisointi iteratiivisessa tuotekehityksessä (Test Planning and Organizing in iterative software development)
IIR Laadukas ohjelmistotestaus, Autumn 2002, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Testaus Extreme Programming lähestymistavassa (Testing in Extreme Programming)
Customer Organization, May 16th 2002, Helsinki, Finland
IIR Testaus ja Verifiointi, May 28th 2002, Helsinki, Finland
IIR Testaus ja Verifiointi, February 13th 2002, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Kontekstiohjattava alihankintasuhteen aloitus (Context-Driven Contracting)
SoftaTest Test Summit '04', September 20th 2004, Savonlinna, Finland
45 min
Yksikkötestaus XP-tyyliin (Unit Testing XP Style)
SoftaTest, September 20th 2001, Savonlinna, Finland
45 min
Testaus ohjelmistotuotteen laadun varmistuksessa (Testing in Software Product Quality Assurance)
Ohjelmistotuoteliiketoiminnan osaamiskeskuksen ohjelmistoaamiainen, June 14th 2001, Helsinki, Finland
45 min
Test Automation: Friend or Foe?
AskUI Hackathon, March 7th 2023, Online
45 min
What Lies Beneath... Ask Me Anything ft. Maaret Pyhäjärvi
Webinar (19.8.2022), Online
45 min
What Does Testing Mean Today?
BCS SIGiST (20.10.2020), Online
45 min
Ensuring Excellent Overall Quality Dialogue
Panelist at Scan Agile (21.9.2020), Online
60 min
Communities Today Chain Conversation
Chain Conversations (31.3.2021), Online
60 min
Fireside Chat on Scaling Your QA Ops
BrowserStack event, July 19th 2022, Online
60 min
Fireside Chat with Maaret Pyhäjärvi
mabl Experience tour, March 23rd 2021, Online
60 min
Exploring the Exploratory with Maaret Pyhäjärvi
Ministry of Testing Bangalore, May 7th 2021, Online
1 h
Panel on Breaking the Bias in Software Testing
STG Webinar (8.3.2022), Online
60 min
Creating Career Opportunities in Quality Engineering
mabl Experience (28.10.2021), Online.

Workshops and Tutorials

Workshops are shorter sessions aimed at teaching one thing. Tutorials are scaled up trainings for conference purposes. While a training is usually limited to 12-16 people, a tutorial of same topic can run on 50+ people. It leaves it more broadcast of information than a skills transfer.

90 min
How Would You Test a Textbox?
Craft Conference, Budapest, Hungary (8-11.5.2018)
European Testing Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (19-20.2.2018)
Helsinki Software Testing -meetup Helsinki, Finland (12.9.2017)
90 min
Ensemble (Mob) Programming
Agile Greece Summit, September 19th 2019, Athens, Greece
Testing Cup, June 10th 2019, Poznan, Poland
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
90 min
Ensemble (Mob) Security Testing
European Testing Conference, February 12th 2016, Bucharest, Romania
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
90 min
Ensemble (Mob) Exploratory Testing Showdown: Testing Your Tool
Software Testing Finland Event, October 11th 2015, Jyväskylä, Finland
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
90 min
Group Learning Unit Testing with Koans
BTD Conference, May 20th 2015, Brussels, Belgium
90 min
Workshop on Sprint Test Planning
maaretp Silver Jubilee (24.10.2022), Online
90 min
Workshop on Exploratory Unit Testing
maaretp Silver Jubilee (26.10.2022), Online
90 min
Workshop on Test Automationist's Gambit
maaretp Silver Jubilee (25.10.2022), Online
90 min
Workshop on Test Coverage
maaretp Silver Jubilee (26.10.2022), Online
90 min
Ensemble Testing on Selenium 4 (from geolocation to grid), co-presented Manoj Kumar
Selenium Conference India/Virtual (29-30.7.2022), Online
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
90 min
Getting Started with Test Automation in Python
Ohjelmistotestaus ry, Co-Taught with Ru Cindrea (16.1.2022), Online
90 min
Mobile Test Automation with Appium
Ohjelmistotestaus ry, Co-Taught with Ru Cindrea (17.2.2022), Online
90 min
Exploratory Testing with a Constraint: Unconfirmed Issues
Customer Organization (11.6.2021), Online
Exploratory Testing Academy (26.4.2021), Online
90 min
Exploratory Testing with a Constraint: Test Automation
Customer Organization (10.6.2021), Online
Exploratory Testing Academy (27.4.2021), Online
90 min
Exploratory Testing with a Constraint: Self-Management
Customer Organization (9.6.2021), Online
Exploratory Testing Academy (28.4.2021), Online
90 min
Contemporary Exploratory Testing Ask Anyone Anything
Exploratory Testing Academy (29.4.2021), Online
90 min
Software Testing Ask Anyone Anything
Customer Organization (9.7.2021), Online
1/2 day
Social Software Testing Approaches
EuroSTAR Testing Conference, June 12th 2023, Antwerp, Belgium
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming, #PairTesting, #PairProgramming
1/2 day
Test-Driven Development with Lego Robots
TestBash, March 26th 2015, Brighton, UK
Turku Agile Day, May 12th 2014, Turku, Finland
Belgium Testing Days, March 17th & 18th & 19th 2014, Bruges, Belgium
1/2 day
Exploratory Testing Essentials
Brewing Agile 2020 (4.3.2020), Gothenburg, Sweden
1/2 day
Context-Driven Testing
Customer Organization, March 2015, Helsinki, Finland
1/2 day
Exploratory Testing - Explore with Intent
STAREast Conference 2018, Orlando, USA (29.4-4.5.2018)
STARWest Conference 2017, Anaheim, USA (1.-6.10.2017)
SEETest Conference 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria (28.9.2017)

Training Courses

Training course aim at solidifying knowledge and skills transfer to students, moving each student from where they are to better. Really great courses would run with same group over longer time, but in business training, we often start by budgeting 1/2 day to 2 days for a particular topic.

1 day
Exploratory Testing Work Course
Customer Organization, London, UK (16.1.2019)
Customer Organization, Oulu, Finland 15.8.2018
Customer Organization, Helsinki, Finland 19.6.2018
Customer Organization, Helsinki, Finland (13.4.2016)
Ministry of Testing, Brighton, UK (22.10.2015)
Customer Organization, Helsinki, Finland (26.11.2015)
Altom, Helsinki, Finland (6.5.2015)
Customer Organization, Helsinki, Finland (9.4.2014)
Latvian Dev Network, August 31st 2012, Riga, Latvia
Trial Course, May 11th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, June 22nd 2009, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, November 18nd 2009, Helsinki, Finland
Flander, September 17th 2009, Oulu, Finland
Trial Course, May 5th 2005, Helsinki, Finland
2 day
Exploratory Testing Work Course
Alma Talent, September 12th & 13th 2022, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, April 19th & 20th 2022, Helsinki, Finland
Alma Talent, May 16th & 27th 2021, Helsinki, Finland
Alma Talent, February 9th and 10th 2021, Helsinki, Finland
Alma Talent, March 18th & 19th, Helsinki, Finland
Alma Talent, September 4th & 5th 2018, Helsinki, Finland
Alma Talent, February 15th & 16th, Helsinki, Finland
1/2 day
Exploratory Testing Work Course Condenced
Customer Organization (20.12.2021), Online
Customer Organization (21.12.2021), Online
2 day
Python for Testing
Co-Taught with Ru Cindrea (March 2022), Online
2 day
Test Automation Work Course / Test Automation Primer
Urasilta public course, Jyväskylä, Finland (7-8.9.2016)
Alma Robotestaus event, Helsinki (13.6.2018)
Alma Robotestaus event, Helsinki (13.6.2019)
1/2 day
Ohjelmistotestauksen ensiaskeleet (First Steps to Software Testing)
Mimmit Koodaa training (16.3.2020), Online
Mimmit Koodaa training (26.3.2020), Online
Mimmit Koodaa training (8.4.2020), Online
Mimmit Koodaa training (23.4.2020), Online
1/2 day
Setting Up Website Hosted on Github
Mimmit Koodaa training (14.6.2021), Online
Mimmit Koodaa training (21.6.2021), Online
Mimmit Koodaa training (2.8.2021), Online
Mimmit Koodaa training (9.8.2021), Online
Mimmit Koodaa training (16.8.2021), Online
1 day
Java Programming with the Intentional Method
Mimmit Koodaa, (7.4.2018) Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Ensemble Testing
Testing Portugal Conference 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria (27.11.2017)
Agile Testing Days 2017, Potsdam, Germany (13.11.2017)
SEETEST Conference 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria (27.9.2017)
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming
1 day
Social Software Testing Approaches
Testing Assembly, (22.9.2022) Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Exploratory Testing on Programmatic (Computer) Interfaces
Conference for Association for Software Testing (CAST) 2019 (12.8.2019), Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA
Sanae BEER.EX (29.-30.9.2022), Bratislava, Slovakia
2 day
Hyväksymistestaus (Acceptance Testing)
Customer Organization, August 26th & 27th 2014, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, September 25th & 26th 2013, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, September 18th & 19th 2013, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, May 2010, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, (15-16.11.2018), Tampere, Finland
2 day
Testitapausten suunnittelu (Test Case Design)
Altom, May 27th & 28th 2014, Helsinki, Finland
Talentum/FYI, April 11th & 12th 2013, Helsinki, Finland
Talentum/FYI, November 6th & 7th 2012, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, November 8th & 9th 2010, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, June 2010, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, February 2nd & 3rd 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, June 9th & 10th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, September 9th & 10th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, November 24th & 25th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, February 4th & 5th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, February 13th & 14th 2007, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, May 14th & 15th 2007, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, November 20th & 21th 2007, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, December 11th & 12th 2006, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, August 24th & 25th 2006, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, April 26th & 27th 2006, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, August 19th & 20th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, May 20th & 21th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, April 15th & 16th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, February 5th & 6th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, September 5th & 6th 2006, Helsinki, Finland
F-Secure & TestausOSY, May 2006, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, June 2004, Helsinki, Finland
Altom public course, Helsinki, Finland (22-23.4.2015)
2 day
Testauksen mittaaminen ja mittarit (Measuring Testing)
IIR, September 14th & 15th 2010, Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Testitapausten suunnittelu (Test Case Design)
Customer Organization, March 20th 2007, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, March 1st 2007, Helsinki, Finland
2 day
Testausmenetelmät (Testing Methods)
IIR, March 17th & 28th 2007, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, October 30th & 31th 2007, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, June 5th & 6th 2007, Helsinki, Finland
2 day
Ketterä testaus (Agile Testing)
IIR, January 29th & 30th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, March 12th & 13th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, April 2nd & 3rd 2008, Helsinki, Finland
Trial Course at F-Secure, February 26th & 27th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
Trial Course at F-Secure, January 10th & 11th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, June 3rd & 4th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, September 24th & 25th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, October 8th & 9th 2008, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, March 24th & 25th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, May 27th & 28th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
Urasilta, Jyväskylä, Finland (29-30.5.2017)
customer organization, Helsinki, Finland (3-4.4.2019)
Customer Organization, August 18th & 19th 2009, Helsinki, Finland
2 day
Testauksen automatisointi (Test Automation)
Profit, September 10th & 11th 2013, Jyväskylä, Finland
Profit, May 7th & 8th 2013, Jyväskylä, Finland
Profit, April 25th & 26th 2013, Jyväskylä, Finland
IIR, February 6th & 7th 2006, Helsinki, Finland
IIR, October 4th & 5th 2005, Jyväskylä, Finland
1 day
Testauksen automatisointi (Test Automation)
Customer Organization, June 15th & 11th 2013, Jyväskylä, Finland
2 day
Testauksen suunnittelu ja hallinta (Test Planning and Management)
F-Secure and TestausOSY, January 23th & 24th 2006, Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Vaatimusosaamisen kasvattaminen (Strengthening Requirement Skills)
Altom, May 14th 2014, Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Test Certification Fast Forward
Customer Organization, June 2004, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, January 23rd 2007, Jyväskylä, Finland
1/2 day
Teknisen laadun rakentaminen: yksikkötestit, katselmoinnit ja muut mekanismit.
Customer Organization, November 3rd 2014, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, November 5th 2014, Turku, Finland
1 day
Testausta kehittäjille (Testing for Developers)
Customer Organization, October 3rd 2002, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, April 3rd 2003, Helsinki, Finland
Customer Organization, May 28th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
2 day
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
SoftaTest Soft@weiser, June 19th & 20th 2001, Savonlinna, Finland
SoberIT yrityskoulutus, June 2002, Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Testauksen kehittäminen, testausvälineet ja ketterä testaus
Customer Organization, October 2004, Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Käyttötapaukset (Use Cases)
Customer Organization, November 5th 2003, Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Testauksen peruskurssi
Customer Organization, August 20th 2002, Helsinki, Finland
2 day
Testauksen jatkokurssi
SoberIT yrityskoulutus, April 9th & 10th 2004, Helsinki, Finland
4 wks
Altom Black Box Software Testing Foundation
Altom co-instructor with Ru Cindrea, Alex Rotaru and Cem Kaner, January 2014, Helsinki, Finland

While I no longer teach the BBST course as it is brilliantly packaged and scalable for new teachers, I fully endorse the Altom BBST courses for solid basic course on Software Testing. Tivia ry partners with Altom on making these courses available.

1 day
Diversifying Test Approaches using Constraints
Customer Organization, March 11th 2020, Helsinki, Finland
1 day
Collaborative Exploratory and Unit Testing - How to Harness the Insights of Bug Discovery to Protect Your Code
Ministry of Testing public course, March 8th, 2016, Brighton, UK
TestBash NY, November 5th 2015, New York, USA
XP2015, May 25th 2015, Helsinki, Finland
#EnsembleTesting, #EnsembleProgramming

This course is no longer available.

Ohjelmistojen testaus ja laadunvarmistus (Software Testing and Quality Assurance)
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja -tuotannon instituutti (SoberIT), Autumn 2000, Helsinki, Finland
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja -tuotannon instituutti (SoberIT), Autumn 2001, Helsinki, Finland
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja -tuotannon instituutti (SoberIT), Autumn 2002, Helsinki, Finland
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja -tuotannon instituutti (SoberIT), Autumn 2018, Helsinki, Finland

This course is university course on testing and quality assurance. Since I am no longer at university, I no longer teach this.

Release Management
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja -tuotannon instituutti (SoberIT), Spring 2001, Helsinki, Finland

This course is university course on testing and release management, advanced topics. Since I am no longer at university, I no longer teach this.

Maaret Pyhäjärvi

I read my emails weekly. For faster response, use Linkedin.